
Friday, 11 September 2020

NGINX - Optimizing with Gzip & Cache-Control

Today I was reading about SEO, and how site speed affects the ranking of a site. I wondered how apps built with the Laravel framework fare in these speed tests. So I ran Pninim through a PageSpeed Insights test (by Google).

The site scored a 95 😎 for desktop, and 66 for mobile. I was pretty satisfied by the desktop score, but let's see what we can do to make it even faster.

Browser Caching

First up we can leverage browser caching to speed up subsequent visits to our site.

How it Works

We can tell the visitors' browser that it doesn't need to refetch assets (like JS, CSS, images & fonts) every time the user visits our site; instead cache it save it locally after the initial visit for future visits, so future visits will be MUCH faster 🚀.

The way we tell this to the browser, is by adding a Cache-Control header saying how long the browser can cache the resource.

In Laravel, by default everything has a Cache-Control: no-cache set, which tells the browser: "don't cache me at all", which might be what we want for dynamic resources, but inefficient for static files.

I'm using nginx to serve Pninim, and static files are served directly by nginx. So let's configure nginx to add the right Cache-Control headers to our static assets.

We add this to the top of our nginx configuration:

# Expires map
map $sent_http_content_type $expires {
default off;
text/html 30d;
text/css max;
application/javascript max;
~image/ max;
~font/ max;
application/octet-stream max;

Here we first set the default expires to be off. Then we override it for specific file types. 30d will set the cache to expire in 30 days. max will give 10 years until it expires.

Then in our server block we add this:

expires $expires;

We reload nginx, and then we see that assets get the right headers:

Now browsers will load these files from cache on repeat requests.

What about Cache Busting?

There is one problem with this approach: what happens when we make changes and we update the Javascript? Visitors will still get the old version from their cache.

A nice solution is to add a version query string to the urls. So for we add an id like so: Now every time we update our JS we also update this id, which invalidates the cache (because even though the URL is the same, a change in the query parameter is considered a different url for the browser cache).

And don't worry, this is all done automatically by webpack on build (using Laravel Mix):

if (mix.inProduction()) {
.version() // <- adds the version query parameter

Gzip Compression

Another optimization we can add - is gzip compression. Text based resources can be compressed to minimize the amount of bytes transferred over the network.

Turns out it's quite simple to configure in nginx:

gzip on;
gzip_vary on;
gzip_proxied any;
gzip_comp_level 6;
gzip_types text/plain text/css text/xml application/json application/javascript application/xml+rss application/atom+xml image/svg+xml;

In the last line we specify all file types we want to apply gzip compression.


After enabling browser caching & gzip compression, our PageSpeed Insights results went up to 97 for desktop & 74 for mobile, which is really good!

I'm attaching the full nginx config for convenience:
